Celebrating the First Milestones of Tethered Psychotherapy

Join me in celebrating Tethered Psychotherapy’s one year anniversary!

Tethered Psychotherapy is about feeling grounded with the support that you have access to and connecting to the resources that provide you with a sense of belonging and restoration of self- and co-regulation.  

I was inspired by the Jungian archetype of The Everyman, whose core desire is connectedness and belonging.  In developing this space and how it reflected my professional approach, I embraced the concept of finding harmony with connection to self and others and to be led by shared values to guide us towards an intentionally cultivated life. Highlighting community, Tethered was to resemble our ties to supportive networks which anchor us to grounded living.  

In my reflections of the development of Tethered since its birth, I feel tender-heartedness and excitement.  I primarily had a generalist therapeutic background with a focus on bereavement and crisis intervention. I had hoped to have my practice be informed by this professional starting point coupled by my experience within the mental health system to bridge some gaps that I had noticed.  I aimed to move towards creating a brave space for queer folks to unpack their experiences, be affirmed in their being, and continue the intentional and connective practice that is authentic living. 

I was thrilled that those seeking me out were looking to be supported in the experiences I had set out to target my support in.  I was also intrigued  by how my approach developed and shifted to solidify a development of inner intimacy and outer belonging, strengthening and offering assurance of my professional vision.   After six months, I began offering in-person sessions in an office space within Hamilton, developing my own connection to and engagement with community spaces, and building relationships with fellow helping professionals. 

This would not have been possible without the ongoing support of those I have connected with along the way, to which I am immensely grateful for.  My personal support systems, my professional guides and peers, and every client I had the honour to work with have all shaped who both I and Tethered continue to become. 

I am looking forward to all that the future of Tethered Psychotherapy may offer.  With many opportunities already existing as planted seedlings, it can be expected to see therapeutic collaborations, openings for affirming group therapy and workshops, and deeper focus on bereavement and sex therapy as I further my development.  I aim to maintain a respectfully curious lens, highlighting the teacher in us all by honouring and encouraging my clients’ inner wisdom as we work collaboratively.  Tethered Psychotherapy will continue to work towards being the intended brave space for embracing the vulnerable, authentic, and expansive lived experiences.

I look forward to having those who resonate with this join me on the journey. 


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